Processed Food, Fruits and Vegetables
Processed foods are ready-to-use products that have high nutritional value, are practical to consume, and maintain their freshness, prepared by removing the unwanted parts of fruits and vegetables, chopping them, passing them through appropriate heat treatment or fermentation processes for suitable products, and then packaging them.
Foods that begin to be processed create a food source for microorganisms by breaking down fruits and vegetables. Therefore, ensuring microbial safety in production areas and equipment is of great importance in terms of preserving sensory quality and nutritional value. Cleaning and disinfecting production areas, equipment and surfaces ensures that production personnel work in a hygienic environment.
Having a wide product range consisting of dosing systems and cleaning equipment along with effective chemicals formulated to ensure and maintain hygiene requirements, we as Belkim are at your service with suitable solution suggestions for every process, thanks to our expert team and R&D experience.